《The Young Scientists》是由新加坡出版的兒童科學雜誌,以小朋友最喜愛的漫畫形式,深入淺出地將科學知識呈現在小朋友眼前。
Level 1 是建議給小一至小二的小朋友閱讀。
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可跟《Smart Mathematicians 》一同訂購計算。
每本原價: $50
購買1-4本:$47.5/本 (95折)
購買10本或以上:$40/本 再額外送1 本 (即約36/本 ,72折)
The Young Scientists (Level 1) endeavours to open up the world of Science to curious minds to prepare them for a fascinating journey into the studies of various Sciences in the years to come. The stories are creatively crafted and illustrated with animation of the highest standard in the comic industry.
Recommended for students in Primary 1 and Primary 2.
Please contact us through Facebook for purchasing.
Paperback / For Ages: 6-8 / 57 pages