小朋友學習英文最難莫過於寫文章,一開始作文時就會發現自己詞滙不夠,內容情節空泛。要解決這個問題,除了平時多閱讀外,《First Illustrated Thesaurus》可助你擴闊用詞,豐富文章的內容。
此書是以70 多個不同的主題劃分,如情緒感受、情境場地、童話或冒險故事描述等,在每個主題內你可找到相關的同義詞和不同的形容詞;書的最後部份設有"Word Finder",按英文字母排列易於尋找到同義詞的對應頁數。
First Illustrated Thesaurus is a fun way to help young children to vary and expand their vocabulary. Full of illustrations, it's divided into topics such as feelings, senses, sports, space, adventures and much, much more. Easy to navigate, it is sure to provide inspiration for any genre of story.
We particularly love the section on weather, for creating those all important story settings. Describe a perfect winter wonderland with phrases such a dusted with snow, glistening frost and gliding on ice, or transform a calm day with booming thunder, zigzags of lightning and billowing clouds.
Words and synonyms are organized by type (adventure words, etc.) or by topic (in a city, under the sea, etc), with both simple words and more advanced vocabulary included. A handy word finder at the back allows children to look up a word and find its synonyms.
Creating believable characters can be a challenge, and this book has a great introduction on how to make people come to life with the words you choose to describe them. With synonyms for all types of people from young to old, from clever to clumsy, children will never be stuck for what to write.
Paperback / For Ages: 4 and above / 104 pages