《MathStart》系列為美國HarperCollins出版的暢銷數學啟蒙書。作者Stuart J. Murphy認為數學與日常生活息息相關,他為了建立小朋友基礎的數學概念與知識,讓小朋友輕鬆愉快地學習數學,因而精心設計了這套生活化的《MathStart》數學啟蒙繪本,從生活話題與情境故事,讓小朋友有效地吸收數學概念。
全系列分為三個Level,Level 2 開始接觸數字的運用與計算。
《Bigger, Better, Best!》是講述小朋友因為搬新家而各自有自己的房間,但他們總是認為自己的窗戶和房間最大,究竟他們用了甚麼方法去比較呢?他們怎樣用簡單的幾何概念來計算面積呢?
Math Start Level 2 A Fair Bear Share
Math Start Level 2 Give Me Half!
Math Start Level 2 More or Less
Jill can't believe it. Her older sister Jenny and older brother Jeff are at it again, arguing over who's got the better backpack and better book. But their biggest battle is over who has the best bedroom in their new house. To measure the area of their windows, they use sheets of paper. Yet even though their windows are different shapes, they both need the same number of sheets—12—to cover the glass. Their windows have the exact same area! Sheets of newsprint come in handy for measuring floor space. Meanwhile, Jill's just happy that her little room is way down the hall.
Understanding that area is a two-dimensional measurement of space is a basic concept of geometry.
Books in the same series:
Math Start Level 2 A Fair Bear Share
Math Start Level 2 Give Me Half!
Math Start Level 2 More or Less
Paperback / For Ages: 4-7 / 40 pages