一本特別設計給初學Phonics 的幼兒練習本,大大本300多頁,非常適合在家親子學習。
全書內容豐富,由掌握Letter sounds 開始,到rhyming words and sight words, word families等。讓幼兒循序漸進地學習,為將來認字、讀字及串字打好基礎。
全彩色插圖,加上設計多元的小練習,還隨書附有Flash cards及奬勵貼紙。
Unlock the key to reading success with engaging jumbo activity book!
With more than 300 delightful practice pages targeting key phonics skills, children have ample practice to master the skills they need to be successful learners. A mix of activities, puzzles, and games keeps learning fun. Stickers and a completion certificate are a reward for a job well done.
Paperback / For Ages: 3-5 / 320 pages