Spelling Machine: At School

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***短片顯示的同系列《Spelling Machine: On Holiday》

這本拼字魔法書有一個可愛的轉盤,只要在轉盤上面按下字母,就能將圖上的字拼出來,全書一共分六大主題,有Art Class, In the Library, Lunchtime, Music Lesson, Breaktime 及 Sports Day,合計 30 個常用單字。拼好之後,再把圖翻開來,就知道是否串對,好玩又有趣!


SPELLING MACHINE features a unique wheel mechanism that enables kids to dial letters to spell. A simple flap hides the word until the child is finished dialing. Lift up the flap to see if the word is correct. This innovative format encourages and supports children as they learn to spell and start to read!