My Math Readers

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學習數學,不應只求計得準、計得快;數學概念是否清𥇦,才能為將來應用數學打基礎!操練式的學習雖然可令小朋友計數計得快,但是往往去到小學階段就未能理解題目。這套My Math Readers將數學概念用簡單的文字和圖片表達出來,內容精細到位,最適合初接觸數學的小朋友。一套包含25本讀本、一本練習冊和家長手冊 ,內容包括時間、錢、測量、估算、模式(pattern)、圖形、比較等 ,隨書所附的家長手冊非常實用,裡面詳細介紹了一些與閱讀相關的小活動,方便實用!

Learning key math concepts is easy as 1-2-3 with these lively little books children can read all by themselves! Inside this sturdy little box, you will find 25 fun-filled titles on the topics kids needs to know: numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, shapes, simple fractions, sets, time, measurement, patterns, and more PLUS a handy parent guide. A great way to set stage for school success in reading and math! 

Each math reader is designed to be just-right for budding mathematicians—and the short, predictable text will help them make significant gains in their reading skills, too!

Includes 25 readers, teaching guide, mini workbook, sticker sheet.