Mastering Comprehension P6

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<Mastering Comprehension>是新加坡出版的閱讀理解練習。


此系列最特別之處是書後除了附有答案外,每題還有詳細解題貼士,讓家長或老師能指導小朋友答題技巧。此外,書後還加插了Vocabulary Bank,將每篇文的重點字詞附以解釋,不但能讓小朋友可籍此理解,還可多學點生字,累積詞彙。

This book improves and strengthens students’ ability to answer challenging comprehension questions. This book consists of 32 practices with varying difficulty levels.

Clues are given in the answer key to guide students on how to look for contextual clues when answering questions. The answer key can also be a useful teaching tool for parents and teachers as the clues highlight the relevant areas in each comprehension exercise that the students should focus on. 

A separate vocabulary section provides the meaning of difficult words used in the exercises. Related vocabulary for some of the words is also provided to widen and strengthen the students' vocabulary. 

The consistent practice through this book enables students to master reading comprehension skills. 

Paperback / For Ages: 11-12/ 140 pages