Grammar Tutor 4

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Grammar Tutor 系列是新加坡暢銷文法書之一,它以最精簡易明的解說讓小朋友輕易掌握不同的文法,附有實用例子可加強理解文化的運用。


Grammar is the essence of every language. Therefore, grammatical competence is an integral part of language learning and success in school. However, due to its technical nature, grammar has always been considered a dry, dreary and difficult area of language learning.

We hope to change such perceptions with Grammar Tutor which is designed as an easy-to-use reference and guide to English grammar. It is grammar made simple enough to be easily understood by pupils and at the same time sufficiently comprehensive to cover all the essentials primary school pupils require to excel in their English examination.

Paperback / For Ages: 8-10 / 338 pages