What's Happening To Me? : Girl

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從身形上的改變、女孩子胸部的發展、 月經時的處理方式、性教育、情緒上的改變、男孩子的明顯改變等都有提及,父母可藉此書讓準備進入青春期的小朋友先對這個重要時刻有所了解和認識。此書有附有彩色插圖,用顯淺的字句解釋,小朋友會易於明白!

A sensitive, detailed and informative guide to female puberty, this book will prove invaluable for both young girls and their parents alike, tackling key subjects from the physical changes that occur at this time to practical matters, such as buying your first bra. Bright, original colour illustrations and diagrams reveal everything young girls need to know about the changes they will experience as they approach puberty. The stunning artwork is accompanied by witty, yet clear and informative factual text that helps to demystify this often confusing and tricky subject. Approved by a team of top-notch consultants, this remarkable and reassuring book is entertaining, approachable and authoritative. 

Paperback/ For Ages 9 or above / 48 pages