Scholastic Primary Writing 6

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<Primary Writing> 系列是特別設計給小學生,循序漸進地學習寫作技巧。由教授標點符號運用,單字、句子組成、到最後能寫成一篇完整的文章,每一部份都有詳細解釋及練習,為小朋友寫作打下紥實的基礎!

This series of six workbooks starts with the simple sentence, progresses through the various types of sentences, sentence expansion to paragraph writing, covering many other important topics along the way.

Each unit focuses on one topic. The topic is divided into sections to help students learn effectively.

Each section begins with a few teaching points and appropriate examples for illustration, followed by ample writing exercises.

Answers to the exercises are provided at the end of the book.

Paperback / For Ages: 11-12/ 120 pages