Early Reader Biography Series (4 Books)

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1. Helen Keller: The World at Her Fingertips

2. Thomas Edison: Lighting the Way

3. Harriet Tubman: Freedom Fighter

4. Ben Franklin Thinks Big

Learn about the inspiring life of four important people in this world in this series of early reader biography. It’s a great supplement for book reports on this iconic historical figure. It also covers some of the lesser-known fun facts. Also, it includes a timeline and historical photographs. 

 1. Helen Keller: The World at Her Fingertips
When Helen Keller was a baby, she became sick and lost her ability to see and hear. Although many people doubted her ability to persevere, Helen did not let any obstacle stop her from achieving many things in her amazing life.

2. Thomas Edison: Lighting the Way

Most people today know Thomas Edison as the inventor of the light bulb—except, he isn’t! In Edison’s time, other inventors were working on the light bulb, but no one could figure out how to keep the light bulb lit. This is where Edison came in.

3. Harriet Tubman: Freedom Fighter

Harriet Tubman was a brave woman who was born enslaved in Maryland in the 1800s. After risking everything to escape from her slave master and be free, Harriet went on to lead many people to freedom on a journey known today as the Underground Railroad.
This book covers some of the amazing aspects of Tubman's life: She led 13 escapes—all successful and at great personal risk—between 1850 and 1860. This book also covers some of the lesser-known amazing aspects of her life: During the Civil War, Harriet Tubman enlisted African American men to be soldiers. She served as a spy. AND she led a battle under the command of a Union Army colonel!

4. Ben Franklin Thinks Big

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor, statesman, and writer who helped the thirteen colonies become the United States. From inventing the lightning rod to helping write the Declaration of Independence, his big ideas had a lasting impact on American history.

Paperback / For Ages: 5-8 / 30 pages for each book