故事的主角Geronimo Stilton是隻喜歡乳酪的小老鼠,他居住在老鼠島、妙鼠城裡,經營著鎮上最大的報社《鼠民公報》的記者。他眷戀舒適的生活,然而一次偶然的機會,他捲入尋寶計劃,去到金字塔和熱帶雨林,穿越冰川和火山,與雪人、木乃伊和海盜相遇,走訪博物館和古堡,經歷奧運會和馬拉松等⋯
為何Geronimo Stilton這麼受歡迎?
- 透過老鼠的視角來描繪現實生活百態,與小朋友生活息息相關
- 巧妙地運用不同顏色的字體與擬聲的字型,令內容生動,容易投入
- 卡通插畫精美
- 以情境作教學,揭露真實資訊,更益智
- 幽默樂觀,創意十足
- 故事正面,內容充滿愛和勇敢
- 設有遊戲題和思考題,更互動
Geronimo Stilton #70: The Phantom Bandit
Geronimo Stilton #71: Geronimo On Ice
Geronimo Stilton #72: The Hawaiian Heist
Geronimo Stilton #72: The Hawaiian Heist
Geronimo Stilton #73: The Missing Movie
Geronimo Stilton #74: Happy Birthday, Geronimo!
Geronimo Stilton #75: The Sticky Situation
Geronimo Stilton #76: Superstore Surprise
Geronimo Stilton #77: The Last Resort Oasis
Geronimo Stilton #78: Mysterious Eye of the Dragon
Geronimo Stilton #79: Garbage Dump Disaster
Geronimo Stilton #80: Have a Heart, Geronimo
Geronimo Stilton #81: The Super Cup Face-Off
When you're with Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabumouse adventure!
Trap had finally talked me into taking a relaxing vacation. But it turned out it wouldn’t just be given to me. We were going to have to win it! I was on my way to Port Stinky to win a race against the wild. Could I stand the smell long enough to win?
Books in the same series:
Geronimo Stilton #70: The Phantom Bandit
Geronimo Stilton #71: Geronimo On Ice
Geronimo Stilton #72: The Hawaiian Heist
Geronimo Stilton #73: The Missing Movie
Geronimo Stilton #74: Happy Birthday, Geronimo!
Geronimo Stilton #75: The Sticky Situation
Geronimo Stilton #76: Superstore Surprise
Geronimo Stilton #77: The Last Resort Oasis
Geronimo Stilton #78: Mysterious Eye of the Dragon
Geronimo Stilton #79: Garbage Dump Disaster
Geronimo Stilton #80: Have a Heart, Geronimo
Geronimo Stilton #81: The Super Cup Face-Off
Paperback / For Ages: 6-12 / 128 pages