The Goldfish Boy (Lisa Thompson)

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本書作者是卡內基兒童文學大獎入圍作家Lisa Thompson,她以細膩、幽默的筆調,帶領讀者跟著主角Matthew一起在逆境中成長茁壯、在孤獨時尋找友誼、在無助時尋覓希望,讓讀者在故事中看見:成長,就是在大雨中起舞。
但是,沒有人了解 Matthew為什麼要不斷的洗手、戴上手套隔絕外界,甚至無法去上學,他就像一隻魚缸裡的金魚,每天待在房間裡、看著窗外的世界、無聊的觀察鄰居的生活瑣事,並且記錄在筆記本中。
直到有一天,鄰居家中1歲多的小寶寶離奇失蹤了, Matthew成為最後一位見到小寶寶的人,他的筆記則成了破案的關鍵。為了找回小寶寶, Matthew決定親自調查這場謎團,但是問題是,為了破案, Matthew必須鼓起勇氣走出戶外、接觸外面的世界,還要面對多年前弟弟死亡而深深影響馬修的那個祕密……

Twelve-year-old Matthew is trapped in his bedroom by crippling OCD, spending most of his time staring out of his window as the inhabitants of Chestnut Close go about their business. Until the day he is the last person to see his next door neighbour’s toddler, Teddy, before he goes missing. Matthew must turn detective and unravel the mystery of Teddy’s disappearance – with the help of a brilliant cast of supporting characters. Page-turning, heartbreaking, but ultimately life-affirming, this is a book that will make you laugh and cry.

Paperback / For Ages: 10-12 / 400 pages