Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science (stage 2): How Deep Is the Ocean?

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由美國Harpercollins出版的《Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science》系列就非常適合當作孩子的第一套自然科學入門書!以孩子的視角來發掘這個美麗的世界,從學齡前到小學生都適合閱讀。本系列編排精良,結合數十位一流的科學、文學、教育、插畫家,歷時多年創作而成。涵蓋主題廣泛,包含動物、植物、天氣、外太空、自然生態、科學原理、身體運作、天文、環境……等等,以『一書一主題』的知識傳遞,讓孩子能聚焦地掌握每本書的重點內容。
《Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science》系列不以一般自然科學較為艱深的方式編寫,改以文學式的敘事表達,並將語言學習、地理知識及世界觀融合於整套書中,讀來舒適親切。本系列依文字難易度與科學概念深淺分為 Stage 1 與 Stage 2 兩個級數,供家長、老師選書參考。
How Deep Is the Ocean》屬於Stage 2,較適合小學生閱讀。



The ocean covers almost three-quarters of the Earth, but how deep does it go? Put on your scuba gear and explore the ocean, from its shallowest waters to its deepest, most mysterious parts. As you dive deeper, you’ll discover glowing animals, strange creatures that don’t need sunlight to survive, and even the largest hunter in the world.

With beautiful illustrations and engaging text, "How Deep Is the Ocean" will guide young readers into the deepest parts of the ocean. Featuring a find-out-more section with a water-pressure experiment, a lesson in making a sounding line to learn how scientists measure the depth of the ocean, a glossary of new terms, and web research prompts, this book will begin children’s explorations of the deep sea. Both the text and the artwork were vetted for accuracy by Dr. David Gruber, real-life deep sea explorer and professor of biology and environmental science at Baruch College.

This is a Level 2 Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science title, which means the book explores more challenging concepts for children in the primary grades. Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.


Paperback / For Ages: 6-8 / 40 pages