Bob Books Stories已在美國陪伴小朋友四十年,讓小朋友一步一步學習閱讀故事。
這套叢書適合已有phonics基礎的幼兒,讓他們嘗試朗讀故事,認識 Sight Words及簡單句子。全書以彩色印製,加上可愛插圖,有助幼兒理解故事內容。
The Bob Books expertise that taught millions of children to read is now available in these original readers!
Bob Books Stories include:
- Words that children can sound out (decode); both short and long vowels
- Sight words
- Simple sentence structures
- Simple, colorful, friendly illustrations that support children’s reading and add fun!
- Longer stories than the books in the Bob Books box sets, which helps children build reading endurance
<Cupcake Surprise>
Brother and sister (Jack and Anna) decide to make a batch of cupcakes as a surprise for their father. But when the recipe gets mixed up, the cupcakes turn out to be a real surprise!
<The New Puppy>
Jack and Anna want a puppy. A puppy will be fun! They adopt a little brown dog at the animal shelter and name him Buddy. Buddy loves to play . . . and to make mischief! Can Jack and Anna take care of Buddy and have fun, too?
Paperback / For Ages: 2-4 / 32 pages each book