Conquer Grammar for Primary 6 (New Edition)

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《Conquer Grammar》系列是新加版SAP 出版,用來鞏固文法運用的好幫手!


Good grammar is essential to English language learning. The correct use of grammar enables one to write meaningful sentences and makes it possible for one to communicate clearly and effectively.

1000 questions  
100 exercises, 10 questions each: 51 focussed exercises, 49 revision exercises on specific grammar items.

Specific focus 
The exercises are grouped according to selected grammar items for focussed learning.

Notes and Examples for Efficient Learning 
Useful notes and examples that illustrate how the answers can be derived are provided at the beginning of each exercise for efficient learning.


Answers are provided at the back of the book for quick and easy assessment

Paperback / For Ages: 11-12 / 158 pages