Geronimo Stilton #81: The Super Cup Face-Off

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Geronimo Stilton 系列是世界暢銷兒童英文學習叢書!

故事的主角Geronimo Stilton是隻喜歡乳酪的小老鼠,他居住在老鼠島、妙鼠城裡,經營著鎮上最大的報社《鼠民公報》的記者。他眷戀舒適的生活,然而一次偶然的機會,他捲入尋寶計劃,去到金字塔和熱帶雨林,穿越冰川和火山,與雪人、木乃伊和海盜相遇,走訪博物館和古堡,經歷奧運會和馬拉松等⋯

為何Geronimo Stilton這麼受歡迎?
  • 透過老鼠的視角來描繪現實生活百態,與小朋友生活息息相關
  • 巧妙地運用不同顏色的字體與擬聲的字型,令內容生動,容易投入
  • 卡通插畫精美
  • 以情境作教學,揭露真實資訊,更益智
  • 幽默樂觀,創意十足
  • 故事正面,內容充滿愛和勇敢
  • 設有遊戲題和思考題,更互動


 Geronimo Stilton #70: The Phantom Bandit

Geronimo Stilton #71: Geronimo On Ice

Geronimo Stilton #72: The Hawaiian Heist

Geronimo Stilton #72: The Hawaiian Heist

Geronimo Stilton #73: The Missing Movie

Geronimo Stilton #74: Happy Birthday, Geronimo!

Geronimo Stilton #75: The Sticky Situation

Geronimo Stilton #76: Superstore Surprise

Geronimo Stilton #77: The Last Resort Oasis

Geronimo Stilton #78: Mysterious Eye of the Dragon

Geronimo Stilton #79: Garbage Dump Disaster

Geronimo Stilton #80: Have a Heart, Geronimo


Everymouse on Mouse Island is squeaking about The Super Cup! My two favorite soccer teams, the Squeakers and the Turbo Cheese, had made it to the finals. But something suspicious was happening on the field. The Mighty Mice and the Sewer Rats seemed to be scoring without even trying! Could I get to the bottom of it before my two favorite teams are cheated out of their trophies?

Books in the same series: 

Geronimo Stilton #70: The Phantom Bandit

Geronimo Stilton #71: Geronimo On Ice

Geronimo Stilton #72: The Hawaiian Heist

Geronimo Stilton #73: The Missing Movie

Geronimo Stilton #74: Happy Birthday, Geronimo!

Geronimo Stilton #75: The Sticky Situation

Geronimo Stilton #76: Superstore Surprise

Geronimo Stilton #77: The Last Resort Oasis

Geronimo Stilton #78: Mysterious Eye of the Dragon

Geronimo Stilton #79: Garbage Dump Disaster

Geronimo Stilton #80: Have a Heart, Geronimo


Paperback / For Ages: 6-12 / 128 pages