暢銷書作者Aaron Blabey用搞笑又型格的插圖和容易閱讀的字句去敘述讓小朋友笑到肚痛的滑稽故事。這可能是你讀過的最有趣的「壞人」系列!這是一群用眼睛看起來像壞人,用耳朵聽起來像壞人,甚至用鼻子聞氣味都像是壞人的人物,他們分別是一條鯊魚、一條蛇、一隻狼和一隻食人魚。但是你能想像這群「壞人」拯救了一萬隻雞的生命;釋放二百隻被困的受驚小狗;還有被卡在樹上的小貓咪等......這群肉食動物絕對洗心革面,通過做很多不同的好事去改變自己的形象。
Bad Guys系列文字不太多,內容簡單有趣,附有誇張插圖助理解內容,最適合開始自行閱讀的小朋友!
The Bad Guys have strangely acquired SUPERPOWERS! But their powers might be, well, defective. They can only do things like blow their own pants off in public. Not exactly what you'd call hero-caliber skills. Defective or not, the Bad Guys have a job to do. With Dr. Marmalade ready to destroy the world, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, and Mr. Shark finally have their chance to be (super)heroes! And this time, they may just get some help...
Paperback / For Ages: 6-10 / 144 pages