The Rollercoaster Boy (Lisa Thompson)

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跟著「英國說故事大師」Lisa Thompson,一起解開青春情緒之謎。

焦慮、憂鬱、躁鬱已經入侵現代人的生活,不論大人或孩子,都有可能陷入情緒的漩渦,甚至影響日常生活。《The Rollercoaster Boy》透過細膩、刺激、充滿冒險的故事,帶我們跟著12歲男孩陶德一起面對焦慮與擔心、面對父親的情緒起落,並且學會揭露內心的沉重壓力、學會向外尋求幫助。

From the bestselling author of The Goldfish Boy, Lisa Thompson.

Todd and Laurie’s dad is either on top of the world, taking them on fun adventures, or down in the depths and sleeping all the time.

In the middle of the night, he bundles them into the car and drives them to the Paradise Hotel. He paints a picture of a luxurious mansion by the sea but the reality is a rundown dump and the disappointment means Dad takes to his hotel bed.

Todd and Laurie have the run of the place, and meet Scout, the daughter of the owner, who tells them about the night many years ago when a famous woman vanished from her room on the top floor, which was locked from the inside… with clues to crack, a mystery to solve, and Dad to worry about, this holiday is full of twists and turns.

Paperback / For Ages: 10-12 / 341 pages