Rainbow Magic Beginner Reader: A Fairy Ballet

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Rainbow Magic瘋魔全球小女孩,較年幼的小小女孩未能閱讀較多字的chapter books就可選擇
這套Rainbow Magic Beginner Reader,這是為3歲起小女孩而設計的故事繪本, 由一班英國文學專家編輯,在英國廣受老師們推祟作為建立孩子的閱讀興趣,內容簡單易明,配合精彩的仙子故事和色彩繽紛的繪圖,小朋友一看便愛上! 

Learning to read is fun with the Rainbow Magic Fairies! Developed in conjunction with Early Years reading consultants and based on the most up-to-date educational research, the Rainbow Magic Beginner Readers are the perfect way to introduce your child to the magical world of reading.